Alex Newman: You’ll Be Happy & Own Nothing…Or Be Dead

Liberty and Finance, Released on 6/11/24 (Recorded on 6/10/24) Is there another pandemic coming? And if it is a pathogen that jumps from farm animals to humans, what would that mean for farming? Alex Newman discusses potential weaponization of viruses that could threaten our health and liberty. 0:00 Intro 2:00 The next pandemic 11:13 Preparedness […]

Ron Paul On WW3, Economic Destruction, And The Asset That Will 10x In Our Lifetime

The David Lin Report, Released on 4/8/24 (Recorded on 3/27/24) Former Congressman, Presidential Nominee, and Host of The Liberty Report discusses sound money, America’s wars, and the threat that would bring the government down. *This video was recorded on March 27, 2024 0:00 – Intro 0:35 – WW3 5:25 – Monetary policy 7:38 – Recession […]

Terrorists Blowing Up Stuff gives Excuse for Martial Law – Martin Armstrong

USA Watchdog, Released on 11/4/23 “You have Neocons pushing for war on all possible fronts. . . . Terrorism leads to lockdowns. As soon as you start getting this, they will have to know what everybody is doing and where they are moving. You are looking at ‘Papers, Please.’ . . . . Lockdowns are […]

Lynette Zang: Introducing The Official One-World Currency

ITM Trading, Released on 9/28/23 Imagine your future and life choices being controlled by an external entity, sidestepping the Constitution and your voice as a citizen. Can an international organization reshape our nation’s history, culture, and identity? Will the next generation lose touch with the values and traditions that defined this country? If the IMF’s […]

The Debanking of Nigel Farage

What Bitcoin Did, Released on 8/21/23 Nigel Farage is a prominent British broadcaster and former politician. In this interview, in the wake of the controversial closure of Nigel’s bank account that led to the resignation of the CEO of Natwest Bank, we discuss the importance of individual sovereignty and the control of money by the […]

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