Andy Schectman: Shanghai Gold Exchange Bleeding Dry COMEX & LBMA

Andy Schectman: Shanghai Gold Exchange Bleeding Dry COMEX & LBMA

Liberty and Finance, Released on 4/30/24 Another bank has failed: Republic First Bank. Many experts are concerned of more failures to come. Dedollarization continues as the East sees the risk of holding the Dollar. The East has started to repatriate gold from the United States. In addition, the Shanghai exchange as been pricing precious metals […]

Andrew Maguire: LBMA blindsided by Russia buying physical gold

Kinesis Money, Released on 1/13/23 In the first Live from the Vault of 2023, Andrew Maguire reports on Russia’s Sberbank issuing its first gold-based blockchain asset in a game-changing manoeuvre that might instigate further dedollarisation of commodity trading. The precious metals expert provides an in-depth commentary on the LBMA’s recent presentation on physical silver, which […]

Andy Schectman: Big Money Draining COMEX and LBMA of Silver

Maneco64, Released on 9/16/22 00:00 Introduction 00:35 The economic outlook 01:58 Strong dollar abroad but losing purchasing power at home 07:25 Losing reserve currencies status exacerbates inflation 08:19 Silver being drained from Comex and LBMA 22:00 Potential for a short squeeze similar to Hunt Brothers squeeze in 1980 23:09 fed policy going forward 30:38 Rest […]

Jim Rickards Drops Truth Bombs Behind LBMA Silver Inventory Mishap

Stansberry Research, Released on 5/24/21 Bestselling author Jim Rickards speaks with our Daniela Cambone about the recent stories surrounding silver inventories and the London Bullion Association. The LBMA overstated their silver holdings in April, an error which they later rectified. Rickards gives his thoughts on the matter and other theories circulating in the gold and […]

Andrew Maguire says LBMA is breaking, silver and gold preparing to liftoff with Basel III

Wall Street Silver, Released on 5/15/21 Andrew Maguire says LBMA is breaking, silver and gold preparing to liftoff with Basel III rules in June 2021. Andrew Maguire is an Independent London Metals Trader and Analyst, internationally renowned for his unique ability to read the precious metals market with the knowledge and experience gained over 35 […]

Jeff Christian: LBMA overstates silver inventories, gold price stalls despite record inflation, what’s going on?

Kitco News, Released on 5/13/21 Jeff Christian, managing partner of CPM Group, discusses with David Lin, anchor of Kitco News, why the LBMA overstated their silver inventories and why gold failed to rally this week on record inflation data. 0:00 – LBMA overstated silver inventories 8:43 – Why gold didn’t move on inflation data 17:13 […]