Jeff Snider: It’s Over: China’s ENTIRE Economy Just Collapsed

Jeff Snider: It’s Over: China’s ENTIRE Economy Just Collapsed

Eurodollar University, Released on 7/15/24 It started Friday when China’s central bank reported more than just new record low credit stats, the deterioration over the past few months has been astounding. That obviously spread to the Chinese economy which the government confirmed today with ugly data across-the-board, big miss in GDP and grim numbers on […]

Jeff Snider: Phase 2 of the Commercial Real Estate Collapse Has Begun

Eurodollar University, Released on 7/6/24 According to multiple recent reports, banks are very quietly selling out of CRE positions. Those reports are backed up by banking data which clearly shows an inflection in systemic loans in the space. Combined, we have strong evidence showing the second stage of the CRE bust has now started. Jeff […]

Jeff Snider: New Data is Screaming a Full Blown Recession is Confirmed

Eurodollar University, Released on 6/18/24 The data continues to pour in showing US consumers have indeed hit the wall. Spending is down according to a variety of sources, including the latest update on retail sales for May. There is also a growing body of evidence indicating there is more weakness to come starting with summer […]

Jeff Snider: China’s Housing Market is Starting to Crack Rapidly (What You Need To Know)

Eurodollar University, Released on 6/17/24 Housing prices in China plunged in May, accelerating sharply after April’s big drop indicating the situation in the real estate market is getting closer to becoming disorderly. There will be fallout across the world should that happen, as there already is across China’s economy as the latest data also showed. […]

Jeff Snider: This Only Happens When We Are Currently in a Recession

Eurodollar University, Released on 6/10/24 Consumer credit has historically been a solid recession signal, particularly how consumers alter their usage of credit cards. Some of that by choice, for many it is the bank’s. Either way, when this happens it is more compelling evidence backing the rise in the unemployment rate. Jeff Snider is head […]

Jeff Snider: This ONLY happens When Sh*t is Hitting The Fan

Eurodollar University, Released on 6/3/24 Jeff Snider is head of global investment research for Alhambra Investment Partners, a registered investment advisory based in Palmetto Bay, Florida. As Head of Global Investment Research for Alhambra Investment Partners, Jeff spearheads the investment research efforts while providing close contact to Alhambra’s client base. Jeff is published nationally at […]

Jeff Snider: China Dumping Record Amounts of US Treasuries (Here’s Why)

Eurodollar University, Released on 5/19/24 The Chinese have sold a record amount of US Treasuries. Again. Most mainstream explanations point to political motives including many asserting an intentional act to move away from the dollar. The actual reason is indeed monetary but not at all in that way. The important immediate implications tell us a […]

Jeff Snider: Communism is Infiltrating The World BECAUSE of Economics

Eurodollar University, Released on 5/2/24 We need to confront the fact there remains a serious problem in the US with Marxism. To successfully counter the threat REQUIRES first we understand why that is and what keeps it going. It’s not enough to “clap back” with platitudes correctly pointing to Communism’s barbaric history. Nor is the […]

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