Col. Douglas Macgregor & Andrew Napolitano: Is the Resistance Growing?

Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom, Released on 10/24/24 Col. Douglas A. Macgregor USA (Ret.) is a decorated combat veteran with a PhD in International Relations from the University of Virginia. He is the author of five books and is the executive vice president of Burke-Macgregor Group LLC, a Defense and Foreign Policy consulting firm in […]

Ron Paul: Who Leaked The Israel Attack Intel…And Why?

Ron Paul: Who Leaked The Israel Attack Intel…And Why?

Ron Paul Liberty Report, Released on 10/21/24 Over the weekend an obscure Telegram account leaked two apparently highly-classified US intelligence documents related to Israel’s attack plans for Iran. Was it a genuine leak? Was it meant to obfuscate? Who benefits? It’s a hall of mirrors. Also today: reports that Israeli soldiers are refusing orders to […]

Col. Douglas Macgregor & Andrew Napolitano: Can Israel Survive Netanyahu?

Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom, Released on 10/16/24 Col. Douglas A. Macgregor USA (Ret.) is a decorated combat veteran with a PhD in International Relations from the University of Virginia. He is the author of five books and is the executive vice president of Burke-Macgregor Group LLC, a Defense and Foreign Policy consulting firm in […]

Celente: Prepare For False Flag Before U.S. Election

Trends Journal, Released on 10/10/24 Gerald Celente is a pioneer trend strategist and founder of The Trends Research Institute. He is the author of the national bestseller Trends 2000: How to Prepare for and Profit from the Changes of the 21st Century and publisher of the internationally circulated Trends Journal newsletter. Gerald Celente is a […]

Col. Douglas Macgregor: Israel After a Year of Slaughter

Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom, Released on 10/9/24 Col. Douglas A. Macgregor USA (Ret.) is a decorated combat veteran with a PhD in International Relations from the University of Virginia. He is the author of five books and is the executive vice president of Burke-Macgregor Group LLC, a Defense and Foreign Policy consulting firm in […]

Ron Paul: American Neocons Get Their Iran War as Congress Sleeps

Ron Paul: American Neocons Get Their Iran War as Congress Sleeps

Institute for Peace and Prosperity, Released on 10/7/24 Over the weekend, the Commander of the US Central Command (CENTCOM), General Michael Kurilla, arrived in Israel to “coordinate” with the Israeli military and plan a military strike against Iran. Think about that for a moment: one of the highest-ranking officers in the US military is planning […]