Peak Prosperity, Released on 10/27/20 After a week’s break, we’re back! This time with a truly puzzling bit of information. Vitamin D has now been shown in study after study to cut Covid mortality in the elderly by a massive amount – up to an 89% reduction in deaths. This data has been steadily accumulating […]
Peak Prosperity, Released on 8/6/20 Given all that we know after our months of intensively tracking the coronavirus pandemic, what are the best ways to prevent & treat it? 1) Everyone should invest in boosting the “terrain” of their own body’s health. Boost your intake of Vitamins D & C, eat healthy, get plenty of […]
Peak Prosperity, Released on 8/4/20 Back from a much-deserved vacation, Chris dives into the latest coronavirus data and several insights are becoming clear: 1) Covid-19 is so infectious (R0 of 5+) that it will pretty much make its way through a population regardless of the efforts to avoid it 2) But, it only severely affects […]
Peak Prosperity, Released on 5/13/20 As if we didn’t need more reasons NOT to desire to contract covid-19, new research underscores the lasting toll it can take on the lungs. In one new study, 66 out of 70 patients hospitalized with coronavirus-caused pneumonia were left with tissue lesions indicative of chronic lung disease. While we […]
Peak Prosperity, Released on 4/28/20 The Covid-19 virus “acts like no pathogen humanity has ever seen.” Yes, it attacks the lungs most; but it also can do severe damage to the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, gut, skin and brain. Cardiologist Harlan Krumholz of Yale University says it “can attack almost anything in the body with […]
Peak Prosperity, Released on 4/14/20 Pathology results studying those who have died of covid-19 are starting to unveil some of the virus’ secrets. First, the damage done to the lungs is far worse than that done anywhere else in the body. And specifically, it’s excessive clotting in the lungs that appears to be the root […]
Fox Business, Released on 4/13/20 Chris Martenson explains how long it will take to determine if people have immunity to coronavirus in order to reopen the economy. Christopher Martenson is a former American biochemical scientist. Currently he is a writer and trend forecaster interested in macro trends regarding the economy, energy composition and environment. He […]
Peak Prosperity, Released on 4/10/20 As the US approaches the half-million mark of # of people infected with covid-19, Chris shares his personal regimen for keeping his immune system elevated. This is NOT personal medical advice, though Chris shares the research results supportive of his regimen. Meanwhile, the damage to the global economy continues to […]