Harley Schlanger: The Lunacy of G7-NATO Leaders on Display in this Week’s Summits

Harley Schlanger: The Lunacy of G7-NATO Leaders on Display in this Week’s Summits

The LaRouche Organization, Released on 6/15/21 Instead of engaging the leaders of Russia and China in a serious deliberation on what to do about the multiplicity of crises affecting the world, the G7 and NATO leaders put forward a series of unserious, if not downright lunatic proposals, during their confabs over the last days. Their […]

Harley Schlanger: The Insanity of the “Infrastructure Debate” in the U.S.

The LaRouche Organization, Released on 5/27/21 While the White House is quibbling with members of both parties in Congress over the size of the proposed infrastructure bill, what is clear is that the debate has nothing to do with building modern platforms of infrastructure. Instead, it represents a defense of the bankrupt ideologies governing both […]

Harley Schlanger: Regime Change Plotters Targeting Syria, Belarus, as well as Russia and China

The LaRouche Organization, Released on 5/25/21 The Trans-Atlantic hypocrites are out in force, continuing their verbal assaults against Syria and Belarus, while the sanctions they are imposing are worsening the situations in both nations, with disastrous consequences, especially for children. Will they try to sabotage the Putin-Biden summit, now confirmed for June 16 in Geneva? […]

Harley Schlanger: Should the U.S. Risk a Nuclear War Over Taiwan, Ukraine or Syria?

The LaRouche Organization, Released on 5/12/21 Daniel Ellsberg, who courageously released the Pentagon Papers 50 years ago, which exposed the lies of the military and intelligence community which led to the disastrous war in Vietnam, insisted that there be a public discussion NOW of whether we should risk a nuclear war over Taiwan, Ukraine or […]

Harley Schlanger: Will We NOW Get Serious About Stopping Nuclear War?

The LaRouche Organization, Released on 4/29/21 On April 21, Russian President Putin warned that certain “red lines” are being crossed by actions of western forces, which threaten Russia’s security and sovereignty. If this continues, it will force Russia to respond in an “asymmetrical, swift and tough” way. Yet, as he stated, as such hostile actions […]

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