Harley Schlanger: Bye-bye Dollar?

The LaRouche Organization, Released on 4/3/23 The economic collapse of the dollar system continues, while foolish monetary theorists prescribe measures such as fiscal austerity and high interest rates, combined with bailouts of bankrupt banks, as a solution. Lyndon LaRouche identified that trap many years ago, and drafted a program of Four Laws to reverse the […]

Harley Schlanger: The Real Lesson of the Cuban Missile Crisis

The LaRouche Organization, Released on 10/28/22 Yesterday’s extraordinary dialogue of legislators organized by the Schiller Institute (linked below) offers a glimpse into how real adults respond to crisis, not with macho bravado but with genuine concern for the interests of others — the Westphalian Principle, rejected by Tony Blair and today’s War Hawks. Sixty years […]

Harley Schlanger: Ship of Fools Sails Blissfully into Nuclear World War III

Harley Schlanger: Ship of Fools Sails Blissfully into Nuclear World War III

The LaRouche Organization, Released on 10/12/22 With the blind arrogance of deluded defenders of the “Rules-Based Order”, leaders of the G7 pledged yesterday to escalate their self-proclaimed intention to “weaken Russia.” As they met to confirm this, the mouthpiece of the City of London, the {Economist}, admitted their goal is to defend the “liberal world […]

Harley Schlanger: Time for a Serious Discussion About How to Avoid a Systemic Economic Collapse

The LaRouche Organization, Released on 10/1/21 Today’s questions: 1.) What can be done to avoid an economic blowout? What is the Fed doing? What about the budget/debt ceiling debate — Is there a way to avoid default? 2.) Why do you think Yahoo News ran the story about Pompeo and the CIA plotting to kidnap […]

Harley Schlanger: China’s Evergrande Case — How to Handle Bankruptcy!

Harley Schlanger: China’s Evergrande Case — How to Handle Bankruptcy!

The LaRouche Organization, Released on 9/28/21 Remember the Crash of 2008, when the U.S. housing bubble popped? How Bush, then Obama, bailed out the speculators, while 7+ million families lost their homes? And how trillions of dollars of bailouts went to the speculators, driving inflation and increasing unsustainable debt, while credit to productive industry was […]

Harley Schlanger: BEWARE FALSE FLAGS – How the Coming Financial Crisis Is Driving the Danger of War, As Before 9/11

The LaRouche Organization, Released on 9/14/21 It is still unknown whether the withdrawal of U.S./NATO forces from Afghanistan is the end of the era of endless wars, or a move to a new phase of geopolitical confrontations, directly challenging Russia and China. The push for continued war comes from the onrushing financial collapse, for the […]

Harley Schlanger: Here’s What’s Really Going On In Afghanistan, From Outside The Western Media Propaganda

The LaRouche Organization, Released on 9/9/21 While some irresponsible idiots, such as Sen. Lindsey Graham, are calling for the U.S. to send troops back to Afghanistan, there are developments underway that are kept out of the western media. What, for example, are the Chinese and Afghanistan’s neighbors saying and doing? China has a vested interest […]

Harley Schlanger: “Great Reset” on the Agenda at Fed’s Annual Jackson Hole Meeting

Harley Schlanger: “Great Reset” on the Agenda at Fed’s Annual Jackson Hole Meeting

The LaRouche Organization, Released on 8/26/21 As unfolding developments in Afghanistan have captured most people’s attention, Federal Reserve officials will hold their annual Jackson Hole, Wyoming confab on Friday, during which they will confer on how to proceed with the Great Reset swindle without tipping off too many people as to their real intent. While […]

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