Gregory Weldon, Released on 5/17/21 (Recorded on 5/12/21) Check out my thoughts on last week’s CPI data … as it solidifies the “Alternate Ending” I offered for Samuel Beckett’s classic play “Waiting for Godot” last October, when I stated that come the 2Q of 2020 Godot (AKA inflation) would change the narrative … by SHOWING […]
Gregory Weldon, Released on 4/10/21 (Recorded on 4/9/21) Gregory Weldon is CEO of Weldon Financial and Editor of the influential newsletters “Weldon’s Money Monitor,” the “Commodity and Currency Monitor,” the” Metal Monitor,” and the “ETF Playbook.” He launched these macro-market publications, covering supply-demand fundamentals, along with technical, intermarket, and psychological insights, after building a successful […]
Gregory Weldon, Released on 3/5/21 Preview Friday’s WeldonLIVE … a follow up to Wednesday’s “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World” … called “Tom Brady and the Waitress” … in which Greg lays out a number of new developments that feed into the bigger picture theme linked to the five-decade long debt/credit bubble, fueled by […]
Gregory Weldon, Released on 1/27/21 I look at the rising geo-political risk emanating from the South China Seas, and how this may become the knife that slices open the MOST extended and stretched US stock market I have EVER seen, in my FOUR DECADES of experience, this is perhaps the single most vulnerable market situation […]
Gregory Weldon, Released on 1/9/21 (Recorded on 1/8/21) The fastest ten minutes in financial media … check out my thoughts on the US labor market, the Consumer, the Fed, US Bonds, and the latest technical developments in the leading US equities, including Banks (Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, Capital One), the big-tech behemoths (Amazon, Facebook, […]
Gregory Weldon, Released on 12/28/20 “Savings are gone, they’ve been spent, and the government programs are winding down and the income hole is huge with nothing in front of us to repair it.” Gregory Weldon is CEO of Weldon Financial and Editor of the influential newsletters “Weldon’s Money Monitor,” the “Commodity and Currency Monitor,” the” […]
Financial Sense, Released on 12/12/20 Greg covers everything, from commodities to bitcoin and gold, from EMG currencies to base metals, from the US stock market to the US Labor market, from the Fed to the bond market, and of course, the energy markets! *The interview begins at 50:40 Gregory Weldon is CEO of Weldon Financial […]
Gregory Weldon, Released on 12/2/20 (Recorded on 12/1/20) The Fed, the economy, the markets…what’s going to happen in 2021?? I lay the tracks heading into 2021 … specifying, again, PRECISELY “where” the Fed is at, and from there the investment landscape becomes considerably more clear, DESPITE all the uncertainties that remain… …and from there picking […]