David Morgan: How Much Metal Is Needed For A Green Future?

David Morgan: How Much Metal Is Needed For A Green Future?

The Morgan Report, Released on 12/4/22 A significant portion of the raw minerals used in the green energy revolution are currently supplied mostly through mining. To make sure that green technologies are good for both people and the environment, we must carefully assess suitable sources for these metals. A clean energy future would require unprecedented […]

Jason Burack: Thanks To Bad Central Planning There’s A Major Energy Crisis In China, UK & the EU

Jason Burack: Thanks To Bad Central Planning There’s A Major Energy Crisis In China, UK & the EU

Wall St. For Main St., Released on 10/7/21 All forms of energy are politicized. Gas price surges to a record high in Europe on supply concerns https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/05/gas-p… Europe’s Energy Crisis: A Real Danger https://www.theepochtimes.com/europes… Enabled by Biden, Putin declares energy war on Europe https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/op… China Insights video: ‘Unprecedented’ China Power Outages: Close Factories and Threaten […]

Resource Investing in 2021 with Rick Rule

MiningStockEducation.com, Released on 1/20/21 0:00 Introduction 0:15 Recent events in U.S. affect Sprott’s view on how investors should plan for 2021? 4:54 Rick’s take on “The Great Reset” 7:21 How instrumental are your geologists to assessing early-stage exploration plays? 10:24 A.I. in exploration 11:59 Sustainable breakout in lithium miners now? 13:14 Green energy 15:01 Narrative […]

Marin Katusa & Robert Kiyosaki: The Future of Green/Clean Energy

Rich Dad, Released on Released on 10/26/20 Energy is one of the leading issues in the upcoming U.S. Presidential Election. Supporters of the Green New Deal are shoving this idea to the top of political headlines and are what today’s guest calls “Champagne Socialists”—those who push their ideologies unto others but aren’t willing to get […]