Hedgeye, Released on 10/21/21 (Recorded on 10/5/21) ***This webcast aired live on Tuesday October 5 2021*** Grant Williams is a portfolio and strategy advisor to Vulpes Investment Management in Singapore and an Advisor to Matterhorn Asset Management in Switzerland and the founder and publisher of Things That Make You Go Hmmm… and the Grant Williams […]
Gold Switzerland, Released on 7/10/21 As large swaths of the world gather to follow the best names in “round-ball” football, we’ve gathered three of the best names in the global financial and precious metal playing field to discuss critical themes and pendulum swings in the broader economy. Matterhorn Asset Management founder, Egon von Greyerz, sits […]
Wealthion, Released on 6/25/21 Rarely before have asset prices been so high when the future outlook is so uncertain. Where are things most likely to head from here? To answer that question, at the recent Wealthion conference earlier this month, we brought together two of the Internet’s most respected macro analysts — Stephanie Pomboy and […]
I LOVE PROSPERITY, Released on 6/3/21 In this video we talk to Grant Williams. He shares his most important ideas about how to invest in the future. He talks about endgame for the global monetary system, gold, silver, what the future may look like, and much more. Grant Williams is the portfolio manager of the […]
Oxbow Advisors, Released on 5/27/21 Grant Williams is one of the best observers of markets and politics and a true voice of reason in these unusual times. Grant Williams is the portfolio manager of the Vulpes Precious Metals Fund and strategy advisor to Vulpes Investment Management in Singapore. Grant has 28 years of experience in […]
Hedgeye, Released on 3/30/21 (Recorded on 3/16/21) **This webcast originally aired live on Hedgeye.com on March 16, 2021** This is an exclusive “Hedgeye Investing Summit” interview between Grant Williams, Founder of Things That Make You Go Hmmm… and Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough. Grant Williams is the portfolio manager of the Vulpes Precious Metals Fund and […]
DoubleLine Capital, Released on 2/11/21 (Recorded on 2/8/21) Amid market bubbles spurred by massive deficit spending and central bank monetary stimulus, Mr. Williams foresees the need to both hold cash against the ultimate bursting of those bubbles and to stress-test portfolios for inflation scenarios. “I wouldn’t shy away from starting to nibble at inflation trades […]
The Grant Williams Podcast, Released on 1/29/21 Grant invites two accomplished shortsellers, Marc Cohodes and Bill Fleckenstein to discuss the wild gyrations in equity markets in recent days as a coordinated move by retail investors to attack ‘shortsellers’ and inflict pain upon Wall Street proves to be, in some ways at least, a roaring success. […]