Oxbow Advisors, Released on 7/28/22 Grant Williams is a portfolio and strategy advisor to Vulpes Investment Management in Singapore and an Advisor to Matterhorn Asset Management in Switzerland and the founder and publisher of Things That Make You Go Hmmm… and the Grant Williams Podcast. Grant has decades of experience in finance on the Asian, […]
The Lead-Lag Report, Released on 7/6/22 “The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.” Charles Bukowski Grant Williams is a portfolio and strategy advisor to Vulpes Investment Management in Singapore and an Advisor to Matterhorn Asset Management in Switzerland and the […]
Sprott Money, Released on 6/28/22 As we close the books on June, precious metals are flipping, flopping, and grinding lower. What’s an investor to do? Host Craig Hemke and Real Vision co-founder Grant Williams break down the month’s gold and silver news to help you keep your head amid all the volatility. Grant Williams is […]
Gold Switzerland, Released on 4/21/22 (Recorded on 4/13/22) Turning first toward the new direction in commodity pricing, Ronni reminds that last year the commodity prices were already up by 27%. Thus, the West simply can’t blame the break-out in commodities on Putin’s “disruptions” in the Ukraine, which was merely an accelerator of an already structurally […]
Macro Voices, Released on 1/6/22 MacroVoices Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome “Things That Make You Go Hmm…” author Grant Williams as the first feature interview guest of the new year. They discuss what lays ahead as we discover whether inflation is set to be secular or transitory & much more. Grant Williams is a […]
Valuetainment Economics, Released on 12/30/21 About the guest: Grant Williams has logged over 35 years in finance. During that time, he’s lived and worked in seven major financial centres from London to Sydney, building the kind of network that many others can only dream about.He began his career in the Japanese equity market in the […]
Wealthion, Released on 12/9/21 (Recorded on 12/6/21) For Part 2 of this interview, CLICK HERE We’ve lived in a low inflation world for the past 40 years. But with inflation now raging, how will that change the investing climate going forward? Here in December investors are starting to look ahead to next year, wondering what’s […]