George Gammon, Released on 12/8/21 George Edward Gammon is an American real estate investor and entrepreneur. He produces and stars in a popular YouTube Channel. Prior to 2012, George started, owned, and operated multiple businesses ranging from conventions to advertising. The last growing to 24 million in annual revenues and over 100 employees. After 12 […]
Wealthion, Released on 9/24/21 The world has become a lot more volatile over the past few weeks. Markets are lurching up & down as investors have become suddenly concerned about contagion — and not just from the new COVID variants, but contagion from the failure of big players in China, like Evergrande, and contagion from […]
ITM Trading, Released on 9/16/21 To see Lynette’s slides, research links or questions from this video:… Lynette Zang has held the position of Chief Market Analyst at ITM Trading since 2002. Ms. Zang has been in the markets on some level since 1964. Her mission is to convert financial noise into understandable language. She […]
Wolfstreet, Released on 9/12/21 China still hasn’t bailed out investors in its over-indebted property developers, to the shock of foreign investors who’d bought their dollar bonds. Could the forced deleveraging trigger a financial crisis? Wolf Richter is the founder of Wolf Street Corp and the publisher of Wolf has over twenty years of C-level […]
ITM Trading, Released on 9/9/21 To see Lynette’s slides and research links from this video:… Lynette Zang has held the position of Chief Market Analyst at ITM Trading since 2002. Ms. Zang has been in the markets on some level since 1964. Her mission is to convert financial noise into understandable language. She has […]
ITM Trading, Released on 8/31/21 To see Lynette’s slides, research links or questions from this video:… Lynette Zang has held the position of Chief Market Analyst at ITM Trading since 2002. Ms. Zang has been in the markets on some level since 1964. Her mission is to convert financial noise into understandable language. She […]
Silver Bullion TV, Released on 8/25/21 SBTV spoke with Dan Collins, an American executive who worked in China for 20 years, about how China progressed from a backward country to the superpower economy it is today. Dan also shares his thoughts on how far the US has lagged China and how it can begin to […]
Wall St. For Main St., Released on 7/5/21 Oil prices in the US are benefiting from more bullish news in the last week or so: Oil Prices Spike On Large Crude Inventory Draw… OPEC+ Fails To Hike Oil Production, Delays Decision Again… Track the oil price for free here: Track US oil […]