Gerald Celente: Gold, Bitcoin & Oil Prices Will Spike As Global Economy Crashes!

Gerald Celente: Gold, Bitcoin & Oil Prices Will Spike As Global Economy Crashes!

The Jimmy Dore Show, Released on 12/30/24 Gerald Celente is a pioneer trend strategist and founder of The Trends Research Institute. He is the author of the national bestseller Trends 2000: How to Prepare for and Profit from the Changes of the 21st Century and publisher of the internationally circulated Trends Journal newsletter. Gerald Celente […]

Jeff Snider: Global Bonds Are Crashing, Here’s What that Means for the World

Eurodollar University, Released on Released on 12/16/24 Interest rates worldwide are hanging at the edge of a cliff. It may not seem like it from the current focus on the Fed and the possible pause in its rate cutting. This doesn’t mean other central bank rate cuts, either. Instead, two very critical signals have absolutely […]

Jim Rickards & Jeff Snider: The Truth About the Global Economy

Eurodollar University, Released on Released on 12/5/24 Jim Rickards is a lawyer, investment banker and economist with over thirty years’ experience in capital markets. He is currently Chief Global Strategist at Meraglim. He advises the Department of Defense, the U.S. intelligence community, and major hedge funds on global finance, and served as a facilitator of […]

Jeff Snider: Is The Global Economy Heading Toward Financial Ruin?

The Jay Martin Show, Released on 11/30/24 In this weeks episode, Jeff Snider of Eurodollar University breaks down recent selling activity in the U.S. Treasury market by countries like China and Japan. Snider explains that China’s sales of treasuries are driven by dollar scarcity rather than a lack of confidence in the U.S. dollar, debunking […]

Jim Rogers: Global Financial Instability, Gold, Silver and Monetary Challenges

Natural Resource Stocks, Released on 10/27/24 In this episode, Jim Rogers and Andy explore the multifaceted issues plaguing the global economy. From the impacts of excessive money printing by major nations like the U.S., China, and Japan to the potential decline of the U.S. dollar’s supremacy, the conversation delves into the significant financial challenges ahead. […]

Marc Faber: How we can protect ourselves from what lies ahead

GoldCore TV, Released on 10/3/24 Is the U.S. Dollar doomed? David Russell welcomes back Marc Faber, Editor and Publisher of ‘’The Gloom, Boom & Doom shares his shocking predictions about the future of the global economy. He exposes the harsh reality of the Federal Reserve’s actions, calling inflation a ‘hidden tax’ and warning that ‘additional […]

Jim Rogers is very worried: ‘I’ve sold nearly all my stocks’

World Knowledge Forum, Released on 9/23/24 (Recorded on 9/10/24) This session will provide an in-depth analysis of the dynamics of global capital flows and their impact. Topics of discussion may include global investment portfolio strategies and the evolving role of financial advisors, the influence of global capital on real estate markets, and the latest technology […]

Bond Yields SKYROCKET to 10-20%? Marc Faber’s Jaw-Dropping Prediction

Natural Resource Stocks, Released on 9/5/24 Join us for an in-depth discussion with Dr. Marc Faber, editor and publisher of the Gloom, Boom, and Doom Report. Dr. Faber, a renowned investor and historian, shares his thoughts on the future of global bond deals, the resilient yet undervalued Asian markets, and the economic repercussions in China. […]

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