Space Wars, Taiwan Under Siege, and “Rich Men North of Richmond” with Dr. Pippa Malmgren

Mauldin Economics, Released on 8/18/23 Our discussion touches on a wide spectrum of strategic hot spots, including the state of modern warfare. The war theater has changed, advises Pippa, and the new battlefield has moved into space. It’s the new race to control what’s orbiting the planet. We live in a GPS-dominated world, which completely […]

Freedom Movements are On the Rise, Global Elite Won’t Win This War: Bob Moriarty

The Jay Martin Show, Released on 7/23/23 Founder of 321 Gold Bob Moriarty thinks that, although things look grim for freedom and personal sovereignty around the world, the global elites will ultimately fail in their quest to enslave humanity. In this epic interview, Bob discusses the end of wokeism, a return to reason, why gold […]

John Williams: Stocks, Bonds, Geopolitics, Stagflation, Economy, Gold

John Williams: Stocks, Bonds, Geopolitics, Stagflation, Economy, Gold

Goldseek Radio, Released on 6/22/23 (Recorded on 6/16/23) John Williams from shadowstats, a widely admired economic thinktank, comments on the latest FOMC meeting minutes noting the potential for domestic stagflation. 0.30 – The Fed Funds Futures contract probabilities at the CME, suggest strong prob. of 1-2 rate hikes later in 2023. 4.01 – How willl […]

Glenn Greenwald & Ben Shapiro sift through the latest government propaganda

Ben Shapiro, Released on 5/7/23 In today’s episode, we discuss the state of honest journalism, whether the NSA, FBI, and CIA can be redeemed, as well as debate U.S. foreign policy and American interventionism from opposing viewpoints. Glenn Greenwald is a journalist, constitutional lawyer, and author of four New York Times best-selling books on politics […]

Pippa Malmgren: ‘Invisible’ World War 3 is Already Being Fought in Space and Underwater

The Jay Martin Show, Released on 4/15/23 Economist, award-winning Author, and former Presidential Advisor Pippa Malmgren believes that World War 3 has already started, and it’s being fought through disruption of satellites in space, the cutting of internet cables underwater, and through cyber attacks online. In this epic conversation, Pippa also gives her view on […]

Martin Armstrong covers geopolitics and global financial markets

Goldseek Radio, Released on 3/3/23 Head of Armstrong Economics, Martin Armstrong, covers a broad spectrum of topics, from geopolitics to the global financial markets. 1.10 – Geopolitics 5.30 – Strong dollar. 7.00 – Expect Fed rates to persist. 7.45 – Ineffective economic sanctions. 11.40 – Amid higher rates, expect further market volatility and consolidation. 12.20 […]

Martin Armstrong on the Economy and the Geopolitical Trends

Financial Repression Authority, Released on 11/19/22 https://financialrepressionauthority… Martin Armstrong is a world renown economist and the creator of the Economic Confidence Model. He is the founder of Armstrong Economics – a public service and blog for the average person to comprehend the global economy and for professionals to access the most sophisticated international analysis possible. […]