Daniel Lacalle & Andrew Maguire: Monetary Destruction

Kinesis Money, Released on 9/27/24 In this week’s episode of Live from the Vault, Andrew Maguire welcomes back Daniel Lacalle, renowned author and professor of economics, for an in-depth discussion on the shifts that have occurred since Daniel last appeared on LFTV. The conversation opens with Daniel’s insight on “monetary destruction” and the possibility of […]

Todd “Bubba” Horwitz: You’re Money Isn’t Safe: Hidden Tax That Robs Your Wealth

Liberty and Finance, Released on 9/25/24 Todd “Bubba” Horwitz discusses the implications of recent Federal Reserve rate cuts and their connection to rising inflation. He argues that consumers will unknowingly bear the burden of increased taxes through inflation, which he describes as a hidden tax affecting everyday expenses like groceries. He also provides updates on […]

Charles Hugh Smith on Financial Repression and The Great Unwinding

Charles Hugh Smith on Financial Repression and The Great Unwinding

Financial Repression Authority, Released on 8/9/24 Charles Hugh Smith writes the Of Two Minds blog which covers an eclectic range of timely topics: finance, housing, Asia, energy, long-term trends, social issues, health/diet/fitness and sustainability. From its humble beginnings in May 2005, Of Two Minds now attracts some 200,000 visits a month. Charles also contributes to […]

Lyn Alden: Bank Runs Set The Stage For Financial Repression End Game

Blockworks Macro, Released on 3/15/23 For some time now it has been the belief of many Fed-watchers that the Federal Reserve would continue to hike interest rates until it “breaks something.” Lyn Alden of Lyn Alden Investment Strategy returns to Forward Guidance to argue that the stunning collapse of two large U.S. banks represents such […]

Daniel Lacalle: Extreme Financial Repression Leads To High Risk

CNBC, Released on 10/22/21 Daniel Lacalle, PhD, economist and fund manager, is the author of the bestselling books Freedom or Equality (2020) and Escape from the Central Bank Trap (2017). He is a professor of global economy at IE Business School in Madrid and Chief Economist at Tressis SV. Ranked as one of the top twenty most […]

Lynette Zang: A History Of Financial Repression

ITM Trading, Released on 10/7/21 To see Lynette’s slides and research links from this video: https://www.itmtrading.com/blog/a-his… Lynette Zang has held the position of Chief Market Analyst at ITM Trading since 2002. Ms. Zang has been in the markets on some level since 1964. Her mission is to convert financial noise into understandable language. She has […]

Russell Napier and Yra Harris on Financial Repression and the Age of Debt

Financial Repression Authority, Released on 8/11/21 http://financialrepressionauthority.c… Yra Harris is a trader with over 32 years of experience in all areas of commodity trading, with broad expertise in cash currency markets. He has a proven track record of successful trading through combination of technical work and fundamental analysis of global trends; historically based analysis on […]