Ron Paul – Good News: Fauci’s Out and Common Sense Might Be Returning

Ron Paul – Good News: Fauci’s Out and Common Sense Might Be Returning

Ron Paul, Institute for Peace and Prosperity, Released on 8/17/20 These days it seems there is not much good news out there. People are still panicked over the coronavirus, governments are still trampling civil liberties in the name of fighting the virus, the economy –already teetering on the edge of collapse – has been kicked […]

Ron Paul: What If the Lockdown Was All A Big Mistake?

Ron Paul: What If the Lockdown Was All A Big Mistake?

Ron Paul, Institute for Peace and Prosperity, Released on 4/20/20 From California to New Jersey, Americans are protesting in the streets. They are demanding an end to house arrest orders given by government officials over a virus outbreak that even according to the latest US government numbers will claim fewer lives than the seasonal flu […]