John Rubino: Gold & Silver Breaking Higher, Geopolitics, PM Miners, Inflation

John Rubino: Gold & Silver Breaking Higher, Geopolitics, PM Miners, Inflation

The KE Report, Released on 12/9/24 John Rubino joins us to discuss the recent break higher in both gold and silver, the contrasting moves within the #preciousmetals mining stocks versus juniors, looking ahead to Q4 earnings, the improving margins in the gold and silver producers, and the macroeconomic trends behind inflation. We start off discussing […]

Jim Grant: Navigating Market Euphoria & Financial History

Jim Grant: Navigating Market Euphoria & Financial History

Payne Capital, Released on 12/6/24 Join us as we delve into the potential bubbles and euphoria in today’s market, explore the rich history of financial markets, and discuss the past and future of interest rates. Discover how these factors might impact your portfolio and gain valuable perspectives from one of the industry’s most respected voices. […]

Karl Denninger discusses recent political and economic developments

Karl Denninger discusses recent political and economic developments

Retirement Lifestyle Advocates, Released on 12/8/24 Dennis Tubbergen hosts Karl Denninger on RLA Radio to discuss the implications of recent political and economic developments. They delve into the formation of a council of advisors by Trump, Vivek, and Elon, and the impact of the Supreme Court’s decision on Chevron deference. Denninger highlights the potential for […]

Peter Schiff: Bitcoin Tops $100K on Expected Government Bailout

Peter Schiff: Bitcoin Tops $100K on Expected Government Bailout

Peter Schiff – YouTube, Released on 12/6/24 Peter Schiff discusses the new record highs in the S&P 500 and NASDAQ, the slight downturn in the Dow, and the significant jump in consumer sentiment post-election. Schiff emphasizes the discrepancy between consumer optimism about Trump’s election and his own skepticism. He critiques Jerome Powell’s inflation forecast and […]

Bill Holter: Financial Markets, Economic Trends, and Precious Metals

Bill Holter: Financial Markets, Economic Trends, and Precious Metals

TedSpeaks, Released on 12/5/24 Bill Holter is currently a writer for Miles Franklin and Jim Sinclair’s Mineset where he posts weekly commentaries on gold and financial markets. Prior to joining Miles Franklin in 2012, Bill Holter Worked as a retail stockbroker for 23 years, including 12 years as a branch manager at A.G. Edwards. Later, […]

Jim Rickards & Jeff Snider: The Truth About the Global Economy

Jim Rickards & Jeff Snider: The Truth About the Global Economy

Eurodollar University, Released on Released on 12/5/24 Jim Rickards is a lawyer, investment banker and economist with over thirty years’ experience in capital markets. He is currently Chief Global Strategist at Meraglim. He advises the Department of Defense, the U.S. intelligence community, and major hedge funds on global finance, and served as a facilitator of […]

Peter Schiff: Powell Knows the Public Can’t Handle the Truth

Peter Schiff:  Powell Knows the Public Can’t Handle the Truth

Peter Schiff – YouTube, Released on 12/4/24 Peter Schiff addresses comments from his previous podcast about America’s imports and elaborates on the nation’s dependency on them. He explains the significant trade deficit and America’s reliance on the dollar’s reserve currency status, which allows for importing more than exporting. Schiff also provides insights into the economic […]

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