Rice Crypto, Released on 9/23/20 In this episode, Rice Crypto is joined by George Gammon, the Rebel Capitalist. We have a discussion that starts off about economics and takes a turn into the Federal Reserve and the economic crisis we are experiencing. George Edward Gammon is an American real estate investor and entrepreneur. He produces […]
Talk Digital Network, Released on 7/11/20 John Rubino is the founder and manager of the popular financial website DollarCollapse.com. Mr. Rubino is the co-author, with GoldMoney’s James Turk, of The Money Bubble and The Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit from It. He spent the 1980’s on Wall Street as a Eurodollar trader, […]
TradersChoice.net, Released on 5/21/20 Gregory Mannarino started his career working for the securities and trading arm of the now defunct Bear Stearns before the dot-com bubble. After realizing that working on Wall Street was not like the movies, he moved on to get a medical degree and practiced medicine as a Physician Assistant. He also […]
Anthony Pompliano, Released on 5/20/20 This is an episode of The Pomp Podcast with host Anthony “Pomp” Pompliano and guest, Dave Collum, a Professor of Chemistry at Cornell University. He is a popular staple of FinTwit and writes one of the best annual summaries at the end of each year. In this conversation, Dave discusses […]
Peak Prosperity, Released on 5/18/20 On par with the terrible public health costs of covid-19 has been the horrific damage it has done to the global economy. In the US alone, over 36 million jobs have been lost (so far) and Q2 GDP is predicted to be down -43%. Our political and economic leaders have […]
Midas Letter RAW, Released on 5/7/20 *This video was recorded on May 7th, 2020 A description of the interview can be found below the video… In the middle of a pandemic that has already caused a global economic crisis, set to dwarf anything we saw during the 2008 financial crash and the following “Great Recession”… […]
Bloomberg, Released on 4/24/20 Billionaire activist investor Carl Icahn discusses investment strategy, his short of the derivatives index CMBX 6, and his refiner CVR Energy’s large-scale purchase of oil on Monday. He speaks with Bloomberg’s Erik Schatzker on “Bloomberg Markets: The Close.” Carl Icahn is an American business magnate, investor, activist shareholder, and philanthropist. He […]