Trump vs Harris: Who Will Oversee The Economic Collapse? | Bill Holter

Trump vs Harris: Who Will Oversee The Economic Collapse? | Bill Holter

Liberty and Finance, Released on 9/13/24 (Recorded on 9/11/24) Bill Holter expresses concerns about the upcoming election, suggesting its outcome might be overshadowed by deeper financial instability. Holter believes the Western financial system is already on the brink of collapse, making the election’s impact less significant from an economic standpoint. However, he argues that having […]

‘It’s Warning You The Recession Is Coming’: Rickards Warns Of The Macro-Indicators Signaling Doom

Bannons War Room, Released on 9/13/24 We discuss a synchronized global recession and U.S. job creation going to illegals. Jim Rickards is a lawyer, investment banker and economist with over thirty years’ experience in capital markets. He is currently Chief Global Strategist at Meraglim. He advises the Department of Defense, the U.S. intelligence community, and […]

Peter Schiff: ‘We’re On The Brink Of Collapse’ – How The Everything Bubble Will Crash The Economy

Tom Bilyeu, Released on 9/10/24 00:00 Government manipulates CPI, affecting inflation perception. 14:21 High interest rates would bankrupt the government. 28:56 Creating inflation harms everyone, unfairly distributing losses. 35:30 AI-driven productivity might reduce debt, improve living. 45:53 Federal Reserve pays profits back to the government. 55:12 Harris criticizes Biden while claiming bidenomics success. 01:09:28 ID […]

Steve Hanke: Americans Are Broke (Collapse Starts NOW)

Sachs Realty, Released on 9/7/24 U.S. recession is unavoidable says Steve Hanke, Professor of Applied Economics at Johns Hopkins University and Founder and Co-Director of the Institute for Applied Economics. Steve Hanke is an American applied economist at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. He is also a senior fellow and director of the […]

Peter Schiff: Financial Markets Back On the Brink of Collapse

Peter Schiff: Financial Markets Back On the Brink of Collapse

Peter Schiff – YouTube, Released on 9/6/24 Peter Schiff is an internationally recognized economist specializing in the foreign equity, currency and gold markets. Mr. Schiff made his name as President and Chief Global Strategist of Euro Pacific Capital. He frequently delivers lectures at major economic and investment conferences, and is quoted often in the print […]

Greg Mannarino: Central Banks Are Doomed! Gold & Silver Are About To Go Parabolic!

Wall Street Silver, Released on 8/31/24 Greg Mannarino joins us to discuss the global economy and more! Gold is on the rise and something big is coming! Gregory Mannarino started his career working for the securities and trading arm of the now defunct Bear Stearns before the dot-com bubble. After realizing that working on Wall […]

Bert Dohmen: This One Thing Will Destroy Investors; Your House Will be Taken

ITM Trading, Released on 8/26/24 “The bear market is now starting underneath the surface,” says Bert Dohmen, founder of Dohmen Capital Research. In today’s interview with Daniela Cambone, Dohmen points out that despite certain optimistic claims, underlying economic indicators such as high consumer debt (e.g., credit card debt with soaring interest rates) are unsustainable and […]