Lynette Zang – YouTube, Released on 2/2/25 Japan has been in deflation since the early 1990s. They’ve used an alphabet soup of yield curve control and endless money printing in an attempt to create inflation and now that they have it, can they control it? Lynette Zang is the CEO of Zang Enterprises. She has […]
Adam Taggart | Thoughtful Money, Released on 1/30/25 Recession fears seem to have faded from the headlines, as the “no landing” scenario seems to have won out — on Wall Street at least. Attention is much more focused on a possible boost to economic growth from the policies of the new Trump administration, as well […]
Rebel Capitalist, Released on 1/10/25 George Edward Gammon is an American real estate investor and entrepreneur. He produces and stars in a popular YouTube Channel. Prior to 2012, George started, owned, and operated multiple businesses ranging from conventions to advertising. The last growing to 24 million in annual revenues and over 100 employees. After 12 […]
Fox Business, Released on 12/18/24 Jim Grant explains where deflation gets its bad reputation… James “Jim” Grant is an American writer and publisher and the founder of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer, a twice-monthly journal of the financial markets. He is the author , most recently, of The Forgotten Depression: 1921: The Crash That Cured Itself. […]
Adam Taggart | Thoughtful Money, Released on 10/10/24 2023 was the year of the recession that wasn’t. 2024 is looking to be the year of the hard landing that wasn’t. How is 2025 shaping up to look like? For guidance we turn to highly-respected economist & award-winning researcher David Rosenberg, founder & president of Rosenberg […]
Financial Repression Authority, Released on 9/24/24 (Recorded on 9/19/24) Charles Hugh Smith writes the Of Two Minds blog which covers an eclectic range of timely topics: finance, housing, Asia, energy, long-term trends, social issues, health/diet/fitness and sustainability. From its humble beginnings in May 2005, Of Two Minds now attracts some 200,000 visits a month. Charles […]
Peak Prosperity, Released on 8/22/24 Christopher Martenson is a former American biochemical scientist. Currently he is a writer and trend forecaster interested in macro trends regarding the economy, energy composition and environment. He is the founder of As one of the early econobloggers who forecasted the housing market collapse and stock market correction years […]
Adam Taggart | Thoughtful Money, Released on 8/18/24 Here’s a fun question: What’s better than interviewing your favorite macro expert? Interviewing BOTH your favorite macro experts at the same time! I’m happy & honored that today we get to sit down with Stephanie Pomboy AND her frequent partner in crime Grant Williams to hear their […]