Paul Craig Roberts: Color Revolution & Coup Against Trump & The Constitution

Geopolitics & Empire, Released on 9/26/20 Dr. Paul Craig Roberts discusses the CIA and globalist “Color Revolution” and military coup being unleashed against President Trump and Washington itself. He also discusses the extreme privatization of the economy which will lead to mass homelessness and poverty and gives his thoughts on the Military-Industrial-Complex and prospect for […]

Deep State Players Are Extremely Nervous, Durham Will Expose It All To The People: Harley Schlanger

Deep State Players Are Extremely Nervous, Durham Will Expose It All To The People: Harley Schlanger

X22 Report, Released on 8/22/20 Harley Schlanger discusses the Durham investigation, Kevin Clinesmith has now pleaded guilty and is pointing the finger at others. Brennan is being questioned and he will be pointing the finger at others, this will lead all the way the top. The Deep State is in trouble, this is why they […]