Chris Martenson – Coronavirus: Over Fifty Thousand New Infections Per Day?

Peak Prosperity, Released on 2/6/20 To Watch Update #14, CLICK HERE Goodness…Dr. Neil Ferguson of the Imperial College of London and director of J-IDEA, the Abdul Latif Jameel Institute for Disease and Emergency Analytics, estimates that the official numbers released by China of less than 30,000 in total infectious cases are far too low. His […]

Chris Martenson: As Coronavirus Spreads To Wisconsin, Media Says “Shoot The Messenger!”

Peak Prosperity, Released on 2/5/20 To Watch Update #13, CLICK HERE Last night, Wikipedia deleted its page on Chris Martenson. Why? They declared him “non-notable” — totally ignoring his scientific publications (Nature), appearances in the mainstream media (e.g, BBC, Fox News, PBS Newshour), speaking invitations to major universities (like Harvard, Yale, Berkeley, Oxford) and government […]