John Rubino: De-Dollarization Just Got Real

Liberty and Finance, Released on 7/11/23 It’s official: BRICS will announce a gold-backed reserve currency during their meeting this August. John Rubino joins us to discuss. If you thought the censorship over the last three years has been aggressive, “wait till you see what happens when people start arguing about money online and it […]

Vince Lanci: What You Need To Know About The BRICS Launching A Gold-Backed Currency

Vince Lanci: What You Need To Know About The BRICS Launching A Gold-Backed Currency

Arcadia Economics, Released on 7/10/23 A few weeks ago Jim Rickards wrote a column that stated that the BRICS nations would be launching a gold-backed currency at their meeting on August 22. He was the first one to publicly report this, but now there’s a report from RT (Russia Today network) that is also saying […]

Bix Weir: A New BRICS “Gold Backed” Currency Would Set Off the $2Q Derivative Bomb!

Bix Weir: A New BRICS “Gold Backed” Currency Would Set Off the $2Q Derivative Bomb!

Road To Roota, Released on 7/9/23 The news of a “gold-backed” BRICS currency is not going to be what most people think. There are $2 Quadrillion in Toxic Derivatives that will be triggered and defaulted on if a true gold backed currency were to succeed! Are you ready to lose everything you’ve worked for your […]

Bob Moriarty: Western Debt Collapse; BRICS to Survive

Bob Moriarty: Western Debt Collapse; BRICS to Survive

Liberty and Finance, Released on 7/8/23 The BRICS will be “the last man standing” after the Western debt-based system collapses, says Bob Moriarty, naval aviator, marine, and financial author. He discusses how to prepare for this transition. He also gives his forecast for precious metals amid the BRICS meeting where they are likely to discuss […]

Stephen Leeb: BRICS want a new monetary system backed by gold

Stephen Leeb: BRICS want a new monetary system backed by gold

Silver Bullion TV, Released on 7/5/23 SBTV spoke with Stephen Leeb, founder of Leeb Capital Management, about why gold is the enduring monetary metal of all ages and how the BRICS nations are supporting a new monetary system backed by gold. Discussed in this interview: 00:00 Introduction 01:56 Monetary discipline 08:38 A BRICS Gold Standard? […]

Jim Willie: BRICS Are Driving Dollar & Precious Metals Markets (Part 1/2)

Jim Willie: BRICS Are Driving Dollar & Precious Metals Markets (Part 1/2)

Arcadia Economics, Released on 4/26/23 For Part 2 of this interview, CLICK HERE The de-dollarization movement led by the BRICS nations is seemingly accelerating by the day, with new non-dollar trade arrangements being launched on a regular basis, while the list of countries wanting to join the BRICS also continues to increase. So in today’s […]