Jeff Snider: Brazil is Collapsing and it’s Spreading to the Rest of the World

Eurodollar University, Released on Released on 12/21/24 There’s more to the Brazil story, especially since Brazil’s story isn’t strictly about Brazil. With markets there spiraling into chaos, the government is down to blaming ‘speculators.’ If that’s the case, then speculation has gone global in a lot of critical ways. From currencies to job findings plunging, […]

Harley Schlanger: Why Have India, Brazil, South Africa and Pakistan Refused to Condemn Russia?

The LaRouche Organization, Released on 3/9/22 The Trans-Atlantic so-called democracies have not just launched economic warfare against Russia — they have declared economic war against their own populations! The sanctions against Russia, which are expanding daily, are already having a disastrous impact in the west, accelerating soaring prices for fuel, heating and food. But this […]