Endgame For Global Currency Reset & Financial System | Gold, Silver & Market Crash – Michael Pento

I LOVE PROSPERITY, Released on 4/4/21 In this video we break down Michael’s predictions for the global financial system. he explains his views on the market crash, inflation, the US dollar and the endgame of the global financial system. Michael also discusses gold, silver and how he is preparing himself financially for what’s to come […]

Charles Nenner: stocks, bonds, and cryptos will crash

Charles Nenner: stocks, bonds, and cryptos will crash

Retirement Lifestyle Advocates, Released on 3/7/21 Our guest this week on Retirement Lifestyle Advocates radio is the leading cycles research analyst, Dr. Charles Nenner. A past guest on the program, Dr. Nenner explained how he mathematically predicts the annual, monthly, and even intra-day highs and lows in the markets in his conversation with your host, […]

Peter Schiff: The Real Crash Is Here

YouTube/PeterSchiff, Released on 3/18/20 Peter Schiff gave a live interview and answered your questions as his predictions of the Real Crash unfold before our eyes. Peter Schiff is an internationally recognized economist specializing in the foreign equity, currency and gold markets. Mr. Schiff made his name as President and Chief Global Strategist of Euro Pacific […]