SGT Report, Released on 5/26/20 The DTCC is tasked with settling more than 500 million stock trades a day. If they aren’t doing so, you don’t own what you think you own, and it could cost you everything. Bix Weir joins SGT Report to cover REAL NEWS the mainstream media won’t touch. Bix Weir has […]
Road To Roota, Released on 5/19/20 The Federal Reserve has grown their foreign bank swap lines from $0 to $446.5 BILLION in just 2 months….who said there would be a strong “V Shaped” recovery?! I wish I had that kind of printing press! Bix Weir has 30 years’ experience in the financial industry with various […]
Road To Roota, Released on 5/12/20 One good thing about price manipulation is that if you are a BUYER of under priced assets….YOU ARE LOVING LOW SILVER PRICES! Bix Weir has 30 years’ experience in the financial industry with various fortune 500 companies. He is the creator of the “Road to Roota Theory” and his […]
Road To Roota, Released on 5/1/20 COMEX has just secured a $7 BILLION line of credit for the default of big positions…let’s see if it’s ENOUGH! Bix Weir has 30 years’ experience in the financial industry with various fortune 500 companies. He is the creator of the “Road to Roota Theory” and his commentary is […]
Road To Roota, Released on 4/28/20 The Gold Reserve Act of 1934 made Market Rigging 100% if you are the US Treasury Secretary and instructed by the President! Through the Exchange Stabilization Fund even Crypto Currencies are free to MANIPULATE. Hang on tight as the market swings are going to be HUGE! Bix Weir has […]
Road To Roota, Released on 4/13/20 There are so many pieces being destroyed that need to be in place for the Controlled Global Financial System to function. It’s can’t last much longer. Also, I have banned Jsnip4 from trolling my chat rooms as he’s gone off the rails. So sad to watch. Bix Weir has […]
Road To Roota, Released on 4/7/20 So many secrets in the banking world. Where are we? We are very, very CLOSE to the End of the Road! Bix Weir has 30 years’ experience in the financial industry with various fortune 500 companies. He is the creator of the “Road to Roota Theory” and his commentary […]
Road To Roota, Released on 3/12/20 WOW! $1.5 TRILLON released to banks!! We have just seen the END OF THE FED as the “Faith and Confidence” in their ability to run a SANE Global Monetary System has just been thrown out the window! Roota was right all along! Bix Weir has 30 years’ experience in […]