STOCK WARS! Reddit’s WallStreetBets Spikes GameStop To Crush Hedge Fund Short Sellers | Jim Bianco

Peak Prosperity, Released on 1/29/21  An epic David-vs-Goliath battle has erupted on Wall Street. And it may just change the future of investing, helping to tilt the playing field away from the huge unfair advantage the banking cartel has enjoyed for decades. In case you’ve been sleeping under a rock for the past week: […]

Mohamed El-Erian gives four reasons he’s concerned about volatile trading around GameStop

CNBC, Released on 1/28/21 Mohamed El-Erian, economic advisor at Allianz and Gramercy and president at Queens College, Cambridge, joined “Squawk Box” on Thursday to discuss the current market madness surrounding certain stocks such as GameStop. El-Erian lists four reasons for his concerns. Mohamed El-Erian is the Chief Economic Adviser of Allianz, a multinational financial services […]