Scott Ritter: Why Would US Fight in Yemen?

Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom, Released on 3/24/25

Scott Ritter is an author and pundit and a former United States Marine Corps intelligence officer and United Nations weapons inspector. He served as a junior military analyst during Operation Desert Storm and then as a member of the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) overseeing the disarmament of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq from 1991 to 1998, from which he resigned in protest. He later became a critic of the Iraq War and United States foreign policy in the Middle East. He was convicted of sex offenses in 2011.

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Whoa! Ritter definitely went off his rocker in the latter part of this Interview. I swear he must have just got out of a classroom on racism conducted by Jessie Jackson. PATHETIC.

Earth to Ritter: you just lost a ton of credibility there buddy.