Scott Ritter: Is the US on the Brink of a Major Middle East War?

Dialogue Works, Released on 3/18/25

Scott Ritter is an author and pundit and a former United States Marine Corps intelligence officer and United Nations weapons inspector. He served as a junior military analyst during Operation Desert Storm and then as a member of the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) overseeing the disarmament of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq from 1991 to 1998, from which he resigned in protest. He later became a critic of the Iraq War and United States foreign policy in the Middle East. He was convicted of sex offenses in 2011.

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Karl Graz

Scott Ritter needs to grow a pair and finally come out and say what many of Donalds Trump’s supporters are unfortunately beginning to realize…THE MAN IS FULL OF SHIT!


I sympathize with your frustration Karl — I was, and still am, Orange Man’s biggest critic just so you know. But at least he’s not full of sh*t up to his eyebrows.

Let’s be honest and admit it to ourselves. He has done some absolutely wonderful things in the 2nd term, things I thought were completely unexpected and unpredictable. My question to him is, “where in the hell were you in the first damn term, you moron?” As I have stated many times publicly, the moment he started appointing the same deep-staters and neocons to his cabinet the first go-around, I knew the jig was up, and his Trumptard supporters were in the soup. I give a lot of credit for his continuing asinine actions to those same Trumptards who are just as rudderless as he is. Little do they realize that to keep this maniac in line they need to stay on his butt and demand he do the moral, legal, and Constitutional right thing, and quit flying by the seat of his pants!

Karl Graz

i have to commend you Jimbob. You’re a much more patient and forgiving man than I am! And you are correct, he is not full of shit “up to his eyebrows”….but it does reach at least as high as his constantly blabbering mouth.

I just hope that Vladimir Putin doesn’t fall for any of this cheap con man’s cease fire proposals and tells “Orange Man” to stick all of his “beautiful deals” STRAIGHT UP HIS FAT ASS!