Lyn Alden on Japan’s Unwinding, US Recession & Social Unrest

What Bitcoin Did, Released on 8/7/24

Lyn Alden is a macroeconomist, investment strategist and General Partner at Ego Death Capital. In this interview, we discuss the unwinding of the Japan carry trade, the Fed cutting interest rates, how broken money leads to social unrest and what all of this means for Bitcoin.

“It’s much harder to have debates over fiscal policy than it is to have over social war stuff. So, when the fiscal policy or just the overall economic situation gets messier, fewer people are able to articulate it. So, they’re articulated in more visible ways, more social ways. That’s where a lot of that anger gets expressed.”

00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:21 The Japan carry trade & deleveraging
00:10:01 Japanese intervention & interest rates
00:15:19 Is Japan’s economy breaking?
00:20:29 The rotation to emerging markets
00:26:00 Will the Fed cut interest rates
00:33:22 How broken money can lead to social unrest
00:44:45 Broken money, broken media, broken politics
00:46:49 What does this mean for Bitcoin?

Lyn Alden is the founder of Lyn Alden Investment Strategy. Lyn has a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and a master’s degree in engineering management, with a focus on engineering economics and financial modeling. She worked as an electrical engineer at an aviation facility, and over the course of a decade worked her way up from being an intern to being the lead engineer and running the day-to-day operations and finances of the facility, before retiring early at age 33 with financial independence. Since then, Lyn has been a full-time investor and independent analyst. Her latest book is Broken Money: Why Our Financial System is Failing Us and How We Can Make it Better.

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