John Rubino: How Long until Inflation Breaks Germany & the World?

Jay Taylor Media, Released on 11/3/21

John Rubino talks about that Germany must leave the Eurozone for the reason of saving itself or will have to go along with the implementation of a one-world government.

John’s article mentioned:

John Rubino is the founder and manager of the popular financial website Mr. Rubino is the co-author, with GoldMoney’s James Turk, of The Money Bubble and The Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit from It. He spent the 1980’s on Wall Street as a Eurodollar trader, equity analyst and junk bond analyst. During the 1990’s he was a featured columnist with and a frequent contributor to Individual Investor, Online Investor, and Consumers Digest, among many other publications. He currently writes for CFA Magazine.

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