Jim Willie Discusses His Latest Conspiracy Theories

Ninoscorner, Released on 8/27/24

Jim Willie claims a very credible whistleblower contacted him and discussed in length and detail America’s financial future. I asked Jim Willie if this person was properly vetted and Jim assured me he passed the “Ole Willie” questionnaire.. Jim states that the Philippines are holding gold in the quadrillions for the financial reset and that Kamala may soon drop out of the race.. I’ll leave this for my audience to decide. NONE of this has been validated by me. I’m simply giving my guest a free speech platform. YOU DECIDE!

*The interview begins at 1:34

Jim Willie is a statistical analyst in marketing research and retail forecasting. He holds a PhD in Statistics, and his career has stretched over 25 years. He aspires to thrive in the financial editor world, unencumbered by the limitations of economic credentials. Jim operates a free website called Golden Jackass.

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Farm Boy

The 2024 US Presidential Election Has Already Been Stolen


There is only one party. The Nazi Party. Nasi the speaker


Nino is a fucking idiot

Dallas Dave

G*old in the quadrillions – yeah, right. Sure, and I saw the Easter Bunny last night in my backyard. There must be some good Mary-Jane that Jim is smoking down there in Costa. And I like Jim. But yeah, I agree Nino is a more-on. Note – there can’t be quadrillions of the shiny stuff there or a certain group would have commandeered it.