Kitco News, Released on 3/16/22
0:00 – Russia, Ukraine
9:02 – Inflation and the Fed
11:05 – Inflation hedging
13:00 – Gold and silver
15:10 – U.S. dollar
18:20 – Bitcoin, CBDC
20:50 – Rise of China
25:00 – Taiwan re-unification with China
27:20 – “Hated assets”
28:40 – Russian economy
30:40 – Beating the markets, inflation
Jim Rogers co-founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros in 1973, helping to steer the fund to a 4200% return before “retiring” at age 37. He is considered to be one of the greatest investors of all time. Rogers has made two record-setting journeys – once by motorcycle and once by car – and is in the Guinness Book of World Records for doing so. In between his frequent travels, he has served as a professor at Columbia University, started his own commodity index and is a frequent media commentator worldwide. Rogers has also authored six books. He currently lives in Singapore with his family. Jim has authored a half dozen books, including: Investment Biker: Around the World with Jim Rogers (NYTimes Bestseller), Adventure Capitalist
, Hot Commodities
(NYTimes Bestseller), A Bull in China
, A Gift to My Children
, and most recently, Street Smarts
Michelle Makori should keep in her lane. She’s not too bright when it comes to international politics, but propaganda has been her field. America and NATO already have privateer soldiers inside Ukraine; they are embroiled whether we recognize it or not. Lately there have been three foundational lies that the public has bought: CO2 is dangerous; the 2017 patented SARS-CoV-2 is novel and found in humans; Putin invaded without gross and severe provocation.