Jesse Felder: Commodities Supercycle Now!

Metals and Miners, Released on 7/16/24

Part 1 (part 2 below)

This interview dives deep with JESSE FELDER, founder of the Felder report – to explore the impact of the recent attempt on President Trump’s life on the markets and economy. The conversation delves into potential shifts in investor focus, from crowded to neglected stocks. They also discuss the Federal Reserve’s biggest current challenge, the strength of the consumer, and the looming possibility of rising unemployment. Additionally, the interview examines the potential for inflation to mirror the sharp rise seen in the 1970s. Don’t miss this important and fascinating discussion.

Part 2

Don’t miss part 2 of the interview with JESSE! We delve into the burning questions facing investors: Where will energy prices go as demand explodes? What’s the Fed’s next move on interest rates? Are we hurtling towards a tech bubble-style crash, or is there a way to innovate out? JESSE also offers exclusive insights on gold, silver, and copper, including their potential roles in the global financial system and his picks for the coming year. Plus, he reveals hidden trends impacting the economy and markets, and shares his favorite (and least favorite) asset classes for the next 12 months. This interview is packed with actionable intel you won’t want to miss!

Jesse Felder began his professional career at Bear, Stearns & Co. and later co-founded a multi-billion-dollar hedge fund firm headquartered in Santa Monica, California. He’s the founder of Felder Investment Research, LLC, which publishes The Felder Report.

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