Jason Burack: Central Bank Balance Sheets Will Increase By A Net $13 Trillion In 2021?

Wall St. For Main St., Released on 1/11/21

In 2020, global central bank balance sheets increased by a net $9.2 trillion Dollars.

With the US Federal government running record budget deficits over $3 trillion and the US’ national debt almost to $28 trillion and growing at faster and faster paces, $13 trillion in total government debt has to be rolled over in 2021. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/wor…

Jason Burack is an investor, entrepreneur, financial historian, Austrian School economist, and contrarian. Jason co-founded the startup financial education company Wall St for Main St, LLC, to try to help the people of Main Street by teaching them the knowledge, skills, research methods, and investing expertise of Wall Street. You can also find Jason’s work at his blog website at www.jasonburack.com.

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