Harley Schlanger: What You Are Not Allowed to Know

The LaRouche Organization, Released on 7/18/24

The assassination attempt against Donald Trump occurred in the midst of an all-out effort by the U.S.-NATO establishment to expand NATO, to wage a global war to defend the discredited and bankrupt Unipolar Order. A new security and development architecture is being built methodically, one which incorporates key principles of the American economic system of physical economy, as developed by Lyndon LaRouche. Don’t let the corporate media, which is an integral part of the Military-Industrial.Financial Complex, make you afraid of this development. A future of peace and prosperity is possible, provided the “Global West” drops its demand for submission, and becomes a partner in this endeavor.

Harley Schlanger’s work can be found at The LaRouche Organization and The Schiller Institute.

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