Grant Williams: Why a US Dollar Crisis Could Happen OVERNIGHT

ITM Trading, Released on 7/17/24

“At some point, there will be a currency crisis,” warns Grant Williams, author and publisher of Things That Make You Go Hmmm… and host of The Grant Williams Podcast. He tells Daniela Cambone that the crisis could happen overnight and, when it does, gold will become a solution to a collapsing financial system. “Every time there’s a financial crisis, we go back to gold,” Williams states. He also explains that the rising power of BRICS nations is a manifestation of defiance against Western dominance in the global financial game. “It’s not a case of the BRICS beating the West. It’s the case of the BRICS saying, ‘The status quo doesn’t work for us anymore,’” he explains. Watch the powerful interview to learn more about Williams’ views.

00:00 Mining sector in general
4:13 Gold investment
6:24 Loss of purchasing power/US dollar
9:30 Currency crisis
12:15 BRICs
14:46 CBDC
17:08 Concluding words

Grant Williams is a portfolio and strategy advisor to Vulpes Investment Management in Singapore and an Advisor to Matterhorn Asset Management in Switzerland and the founder and publisher of Things That Make You Go Hmmm… and the Grant Williams Podcast. Grant has decades of experience in finance on the Asian, Australian, European and US markets and has held senior positions at several international investment houses, including Robert Fleming, UBS and Credit Suisse.

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