Gold rising as global bonds collapse: gold will play a major role as a monetary asset

Otavio (Tavi) Costa – Twitter, Released on 4/18/22

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I have been waiting for this day for 30 years. Brilliant !

Please provide a much much more extensive data dump.., in coming days. Please provide a more thoroughly detaied data dump with fuller historical details. I know this has already arrived, ( it is baked into the fiat money cake at the New York Fed. And now YOU SEE IT UNFOLDING, It is the harbiger for a cataclismic NewYork Banking collapse that will make 1908 look trivial.

SoCalBeach Dude

Gold is a trivial little preposterously overpriced niche fungible commodity worth less than 1% of global assets and is of no financial relevance whatsoever and it will continue to decline as it plummets towards and to its mean of $456 and head lower.


I’m reminded of reading a comment in a discussion forum two years ago and a guy was pooh pooing Covid claiming it was just another cold/flu. He said: “Wake me up when it causes 30,000 fatalities.”