Chris Vermeulen: ‘Financial Crisis’ Approaches, Bitcoin To $100k In ‘Market Bloodbath’

The David Lin Report, Released on 6/4/24

Chris Vermeulen, Chief Market Strategist of The Technical, discusses signs of a burgeoning financial crisis, how the markets will react, and how to position your trades accordingly.

0:00 – Intro
0:53 – Financial crisis signs
5:20 – Personal savings
7:40 – Market sell-off
8:18 – GameStop craze
12:40 – Banking crisis
14:22 – Bitcoin
19:15 – NASDAQ
21:27 – S&P 500
28:03 – “Asset Revesting”
33:04 – Crude oil
34:50 – Utilities

Chris Vermeulen has been involved in the markets since 1997 and is the founder of Technical Traders Ltd. He is an internationally recognized technical analyst, trader, and is the author of the book: 7 Steps to Win With Logic.

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