Wealthion, Released on 4/26/22
Energy analyst Doomberg returns to the program to explain just how cornered Europe is in terms of energy. Currently, it is dependent on Russia for natural gas that can’t be sufficiently replaced by alternate means for at least several years. Europe will be forced to continue to remain vulnerable to its Russian supplier for the foreseeable future. Poor policy has led to this decision. Will Europe be able to chart a wiser course from here? It’s unclear at this point, as several of the most promising options are still being ignored/decommissioned.
Follow Doomberg on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/DoombergT
Doomberg on Substack – https://doomberg.substack.com/
Adam Taggart is the Founder of Wealthion. He is also Co-Founder and former President of Peak Prosperity. Adam is an experienced Silicon Valley internet executive and Stanford MBA. Prior to partnering with Chris Martenson (Adam was General Manager of our earlier site, ChrisMartenson.com), he was a Vice President at Yahoo!, a company he served for nine years. Before that, he did the ‘startup thing’ (mySimon.com, sold to CNET in 2001). As a fresh-faced graduate from Brown University in the early 1990s, Adam got a first-hand look at all that was broken with Wall Street as an investment banking analyst for Merrill Lynch. Most importantly, he’s a devoted husband and dad.
Mr, Taggart:
I often watch your videos, but “Doomberg”…what are we 10 years old?
Lose the little green bird, would you please!
What would make Putin not believe that Putin would not just turn off the gas. It occurs to me that Putin did not turn off the gas or raise the prices when the US and the EU put incredible sanctions.on the Russian Federation I think you had better revaluate your comments of “Putin being “reckless” Now who would not follow the Minsk Accord and who wanted them followed. Who was “reckless’ there.
LOL. Love the bird. LOL.
Doesn’t the bird sound like Peter Bookvar