Danielle DiMartino Booth: Nationalize Everything? 40 Programs Running Off Balance Sheet at the Fed?

Wall St. For Main St., Released on 4/10/20

During this 40+ minute interview and back and forth discussion, Jason asks Danielle about all of the different bailouts and rules changes that have already happened in the last 4-5 weeks. Danielle says that the Fed has at least 40 different programs currently running, including many with extremely questionable legality. Jason also asks Danielle about Fed special purpose vehicles (SPVs), the Dollar Index, the Dollar Shortage, credit ratings downgrades, commercial real estate, gold, the oil market and pension funds. Danielle is predicting that the Fed will indeed start buying US stocks soon and that it will cause a larger bear market rally in the near future. But at what cost will the everyday American be paying for bailouts of banks, zombie companies, hedge funds and private equity when many Americans are only receiving scraps on a relative comparison?

Jason Burack is an investor, entrepreneur, financial historian, Austrian School economist, and contrarian. Jason co-founded the startup financial education company Wall St for Main St, LLC, to try to help the people of Main Street by teaching them the knowledge, skills, research methods, and investing expertise of Wall Street. You can also find Jason’s work at his blog website at www.jasonburack.com.

Danielle DiMartino Booth is CEO & Chief Strategist for Quill Intelligence LLCa research and analytics firm. She spent nine years as an advisor to Richard W. Fisher at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Danielle left the Fed in 2015 to found Money Strong, LLC, an economic consulting firm and launched a weekly economic newsletter She is the author of Fed Up: An Insider’s Take on Why the Federal Reserve is Bad for America. DiMartino Booth began her career in New York at Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette and Credit Suisse, where she worked fixed income and the public and private equity markets. Danielle earned her BBA as a College of Business Scholar at the University of Texas at San Antonio. She holds an MBA in Finance and International Business from the University of Texas at Austin and an MS in Journalism from Columbia University.

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