Many have been warning of a planned collapse of the fiat Ponzi scheme and transition to a centralised CBDC cryptocurrency and social credit system. Shutting down the world economy for a “virus” that 99.8% could overcome naturally, has teed up the already on “life support” fiat system for a controlled demolition and forced slide into a CBDC and social credit future. They knew that millions would never get back their jobs destroyed by lockdowns/transition to a new money control system and thus universal income was dreamed up to keep millions happily glued to their black screens and their net flicks subscriptions going. Will the masses accept a cashless programmable money system that would allow governments to link policies like, carbon credits to access to their digital money? The controllers of the central banking system have as much chance of that happening as they did of convincing the masses to take multiple experimental vaccines, in short order for an unsequenced virus, simply because politicians (of all people) said so!
Many have been warning of a planned collapse of the fiat Ponzi scheme and transition to a centralised CBDC cryptocurrency and social credit system. Shutting down the world economy for a “virus” that 99.8% could overcome naturally, has teed up the already on “life support” fiat system for a controlled demolition and forced slide into a CBDC and social credit future. They knew that millions would never get back their jobs destroyed by lockdowns/transition to a new money control system and thus universal income was dreamed up to keep millions happily glued to their black screens and their net flicks subscriptions going. Will the masses accept a cashless programmable money system that would allow governments to link policies like, carbon credits to access to their digital money? The controllers of the central banking system have as much chance of that happening as they did of convincing the masses to take multiple experimental vaccines, in short order for an unsequenced virus, simply because politicians (of all people) said so!