Why you should never buy Kellogg’s cereals ever again

Vani Hari – X, Released on 10/20/24 Kellogg's will continue to get skewered in the news until they serve Americans the same cereals they serve in other countries. They can’t hide anymore – the whole world will find out the truth and how Anti-American they are – especially when brave doctors like @atemple28 speak… pic.twitter.com/2Jtz87oiUO […]

They want to get rid of real meat so that you have to buy the factory version that Bill Gates is funding

Wall Street Silver – X, Released on 10/5/24 Link to the article: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/dozens-meat-processing… They want to get rid of real meat so that you have to buy the factory version that Bill Gates is funding. They are forcing the traditional meat companies out of business via EPA rules. pic.twitter.com/VBMuYDjnzX — Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) October […]