Fox Business, Released on 7/8/24 A new report by the Heritage Foundation’s Nonpartisan Commission on China and COVID-19 found that the COVID pandemic caused $18 trillion in economic Continue…
Nomi Prins – X, Released on 6/27/24 Those $1400 stimulus checks have all been spent. — Nomi Prins (@nomiprins) June 27, 2024 Nomi Prins is an American author, journalist, and Senior Fellow at Demos. She has worked as a managing director at Goldman-Sachs and as a Senior Managing Director at Bear Stearns, as well […]
Bloomberg (via MSN), Released on 6/26/24 Making ends meet in the coming year is a rising concern for US consumers, including so-called “high-earners” who make $100,000 or more a year, Continue…
Zero Hedge, Released on 6/7/24 On the surface, it was a blockbuster jobs report, certainly one which nobody expected, with the two largest US banks – JPMorgan and JPM – both Continue…
Bloomberg (via MSN), Released on 6/4/24 “The economy is booming, and yet many Americans are still gasping for air financially. They simply don’t have the breathing room to plan beyond their present needs.” Continue…
Mish Talk, Released on 6/4/24 The US is restricting China’s access to advanced microchips. The US will regret the move in one of two ways. China will become self-reliant or there will be a real war. Continue…
Mish Talk, Released on 5/31/24 I expect a recession this year. It will not surprise me at all if a recession started in 2024 Q2, perhaps April. Returning to the economy, inflation will finally come down when rent abates but there will be a price. The price is recession. Continue…