Adam Taggart – X, Released on 9/25/24 We keep hearing that "foreign countries are dumping US Treasurys" That's simply not true, in the aggregate, as this chart by @wolfofwolfst shows Sure, China is selling. And Japan isn't buying much But the rest of the world still is Don't rely headlines & do your homework […]
Macro Charts – X, Released on 9/23/24 The public buys the most at the Top and the least at the Bottom. What stage is this? — Macro Charts (@MacroCharts) September 23, 2024
CBS News, Released on 9/10/24 For those concerned about the low US birthrate, this stat pours gasoline on the fire Almost a quarter of millennials and Gen Z Continue…
The Wall Street Journal, Released on 9/3/24 Americans are really, really bullish on stocks at a time when they are historically expensive and after one of the most breathtaking rallies ever witnessed Continue…
CNBC, Released on 8/29/24 As the youngest generation in the US workforce debates whether or not a college education is worth the cost, more 20-somethings are gravitating to blue-collar careers. “I didn’t want Continue…
Game of Trades – X, Released on 8/27/24 CAUTION: Housing defaults have skyrocketed This is unlike anything we’ve seen in a decade Quick thread 🧵 — Game of Trades (@GameofTrades_) August 27, 2024
Daily Mail, Released on 8/18/24 “This is a stark red flag, it’s a stark warning sign,” he said. “[It’s] a great comparison to 2007.” “I think people just kind of need to have this come-to-Jesus moment.” Continue…