CBS has been caught in a fraud against American voters

Kim Dotcom – X, Released on 10/8/24 The internal polling numbers for Kamala Harris are so depressing that the Dems forced her to do some interviews. Her answers on 60 Minutes were so bad that CBS had to edit them to hide her ineptitude. CBS has been caught in a fraud against American voters. […]

YouTube is censoring Doug Casey

matt.smith – X, Released on 10/8/24 Censorship is on the rise again. Today Youtube took down another video of ours and gave us a warning. Here's specifically what they said we did wrong. What do you think? — matt.smith (@mattpheus) October 8, 2024

W.H.O. partners with Tiktok brainwashing

World Health Organization, Released on 9/26/24 “This collaboration can prove to be an inflection point in how platforms can be more socially-responsible. The intersection of health and technology presents an opportunity to reach people of all ages, where they are, Continue…

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