The Hill, Released on 11/6/23 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced Monday it will be expanding its respiratory viral surveillance of international travelers. Continue…
SRC, Released on 10/23/23 Wilson said he did not realize his pistol was in his briefcase when he passed through airport security in Portland, and baggage screeners failed to note it. Continue…
Zero Hedge, Released on 10/23/23 Traveling to most European countries is about to get more complicated and invasive for American citizens: In spring 2025, you’ll have Continue…
American Military News, Released on 9/26/23 The Central Intelligence Agency is preparing to launch an artificial intelligence tool that will help analysts quickly examine public information. Continue…
Mish Talk (via Zero Hedge), Released on 9/25/23 The SEC is now a spy agency. This ruling was in response to a 2010 flash crash and quietly sat for years. The SEC is now following through. Continue…