World Health Organization, Released on 11/19/24 The World Health Organization (WHO) has granted Emergency Use Listing (EUL) for the LC16m8 mpox vaccine, making it the second mpox vaccine to be supported by WHO following the Director-General’s declaration of an Continue…
Mediaite, Released on 11/20/24 “I’m not for really most presidential emergencies because they smack of martial rule. They smack of of no congressional approval. They smack of no checks and balances Continue…
The Telegraph (via MSN), Released on 11/19/24 “There are areas of the city, we need to be perfectly honest here, where I would advise people who wear a kippah or are openly gay to be more careful,” Continue…
New York Post, Released on 11/18/24 The staggering number of asylum seeker arrivals also now equates to about half the number of people who live on Staten Island Continue…
Wide Awake Media – X, Released on 11/18/24 Bill Gates outlines all the different ways he is “changing cows” in order to save the planet from catastrophic methane emissions, including lab-grown meat and methane-reducing vaccines. "We need to change cows." Bill Gates outlines all the different ways he is "changing cows" in order to save […]