Peter Schiff – X, Released on 9/11/23 The loss of life 22 years ago was tragic, but the damage to American liberty was not inflicted by the terrorists who murdered our people, but by the U.S. government, which exploited their deaths to usurp more power, leaving Americans significantly less free than we were before. — […]
Peter Schiff – X, Released on 8/31/23 Consumers spending more and saving less means the #Fed is not making any real progress in fighting #inflation. Reducing inflation requires consumers to spend less and save more, the opposite of what's happening. Much larger interest rate hikes are required to force this change. — Peter Schiff (@PeterSchiff) […]
Peter Schiff – X, Released on 7/27/23 Surging oil and collapsing bond prices are powerful signs that #inflation pressures are building in the economy. For all #Powell's talk about the #Fed winning its inflation fight, forward looking indicators evidence its losing. How much longer can the #StockMarket ignore reality? — Peter Schiff (@PeterSchiff) July 27, […]
Peter Schiff – Twitter, Released on 5/4/23 Tweet 1 (scroll down for more) #Gold stocks are hitting new 52-week highs today as #bank stocks are hitting new 52-week lows. This is not the end of this rotation, but the beginning. The stocks that lived by the bubble are dying as the air comes out. Old […]
Peter Schiff – Twitter, Released on 4/4/23 The U.S. #economy has never been poised on the brink of a financial and economic cliff nearly as ominous as the one it's perched on now. Yet despite being the architect of this precarious position, the #Fed remains clueless to the impeding crisis its own policies made inevitable. […]
Peter Schiff – Twitter, Released on 3/17/23 As I warned for years the only way the #Fed can come close to achieving its 2% #inflation target is to allow a worse financial crisis than 2008 to run its natural course, with no bailouts for banks or their customers. The Fed chose bailouts and surrendered the […]
Peter Schiff – Twitter, Released on 3/13/23 #Powell said the strong U.S. economy could easily withstand the #Fed's interest rate hikes. I said the rate hikes would cause a financial crisis, as thanks to ZIRP and QE the banks were loaded up with too much debt to handle the rise. Once again the Fed was […]
Peter Schiff – Twitter, Released on 1/20/23 The claim that the U.S. has never defaulted on its #debt is false. Prior to 1971 U.S. Federal Reserve Notes were obligations of the Federal Reserve to pay a fixed weight in #gold. The U.S. defaulted on that obligation and creditors didn't receive any of the gold they […]