Nomi Prins: Fed Overreach Has Ruined the Economy, We’d Be Better Off Without Them

The Jay Martin Show, Released on 5/13/23 Author of ‘Permanent Distortion’ Nomi Prins does not look fondly upon the track record of the Federal Reserve and thinks that they have created far more problems than they are pretending to solve. Nomi provides an in-depth look into the Fed’s history of malfeasance and how they were […]

Nomi Prins discusses what’s unfolded in the world of finance, SVB, government response and more

Nomi Prins discusses what’s unfolded in the world of finance, SVB, government response and more

Ralph Nader Radio Hour, Released on 4/1/23 We are joined for the full hour by geopolitical financial expert and financial historian, Nomi Prins, to discuss her new book, “Permanent Distortion: How Financial Markets Abandoned the Real Economy Forever,” which highlights the huge gap between the high-flying stock market, versus back down here on earth, where […]

Nomi Prins: Fed Cherry-Picking Inflation Data; They Can’t Save you From Egg Prices

Stansberry Research, Released on 2/15/23 “There is still going to be an overhang in the economy even as the markets are going to get comfortable with the dialed down size of the Fed’s rate hikes,” says Nomi Prins, bestselling author and investigative journalist. “The Fed is going to go to neutrality,” she tells Daniela Cambone. […]

New Strategies for Inflation, Real Estate, and Volatile Markets – Robert Kiyosaki, Nomi Prins

Rich Dad Radio Show, Released on 1/11/23 Join Robert Kiyosaki and his special guest Dr. Nomi Prins, Economist, and author of Permanent Distortion as they share new strategies to help you create a better future. Get insight into what they are investing in to combat inflation and volatile markets. You’ll be prepared to thrive in […]

Nomi Prins: 2023 Will See A Huge Amount Of Money Flow Into Gold, Silver And Mining Stocks

King World News, Released on 11/26/22 Continue… Nomi Prins is an American author, journalist, and Senior Fellow at Demos. She has worked as a managing director at Goldman-Sachs and as a Senior Managing Director at Bear Stearns, as well as having worked as a senior strategist at Lehman Brothers and analyst at the Chase Manhattan […]

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